Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is described as an increase in the size of the prostate gland. When the gland is sufficiently enlarged, it can compress the urethral canal and cause partial or complete obstruction of the urethra. This interferes with the normal flow of urine. The benign enlargement is a condition which occurs in a majority of elderly men and can affect the everyday lifestyle of a man.
Common Symptoms
BPH leads to symptoms of trouble with urination. These include urinary hesitancy, frequent urination, a weak urine stream, and a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying. This can cause increased risk of urinary tract infections, urinary retention, or insomnia.
Common Treatments
Treatments include medicine and surgery. This practice offers the minimally invasive procedure – Evolve Laser Ablation of the Prostate.
BPH does not lead to cancer or increase the risk of Prostate Cancer.
Read a Patient Success Story “Urologist Treats BPH with Laser” as seen in Florida Health Care News.