Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer occurs when cells of the prostate begin to grow uncontrollably. It is diagnosed in 80% of men who reach the age of 80.
More than 186,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. When caught and treated early, prostate cancer has a cure rate of over 90%.

Common Symptoms
There are often no early prostate cancer symptoms, but some men have urinary symptoms and discomfort. Yearly screening with a serum PSA and DRE is a normal part of a urologic examination. If the PSA is elevated then an in office Prostate Biopsy is performed under local Anesthesia to confirm the diagnosis.
Common Treatment
Prostate cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, Cryotherapy, hormonal therapy, and/or radiation therapy. In some instances, “watchful waiting” is recommended.